Cheaper electricity
– It’s that simple

Accessible solar solutions for your business, saving you money from day one.


  • Give you a free consultation where we guarantee you the best solar energy proposal custom suited to your needs.

  • Save you up to 50% on your electricity bill.
  • Pay you for your unused roof space.
  • Do all the work in finding the best solar solutions for you.
  • Put together multiple quotes and financing solutions to get you the best solar solution possible.
  • Help get you on your way to grid independence 

These are your options


Power Purchase Agreement

Zero capital expenditure
Significantly cheaper cost of electricity
Only pay for the electricity you use



Enjoy the full benefits of having a solar solution and all of the free electricity that it generates from day one for over 25 years
Section 12B Tax benefit



Zero capital expenditure
Section 12B Tax benefit
Affordable, fixed monthly repayments while enjoying all the free electricity from the solar system
Payback period is completely up to you

Or An entirely tailored combination of fixed repayments and a power purchase agreement can be customised to suit your specific needs.

Get in touch | +27 79 892 8197